活动报名|马普脑研究所主任Moritz Helmstaedter:Connectomics连接组学(马普心理语言学研究所)

活动报名|马普脑研究所主任Moritz Helmstaedter:Connectomics连接组学

报告主题:Connectomics连接组学 报告日期:12月08日(周五)15:30-16:30 主题简介





Brains are highly interconnected networks of millions to billions of neurons. For a century, we have not been able to map these connectivity networks at synaptic resolution. Only recently, using novel electron microscopy techniques and AI-based data analysis, the mapping of neuronal networks has become possible at a larger scale. This new field of connectomics is still limited by technology and requires efficient AI-based analysis of peta-to-exascale datasets, but it is already starting to provide exciting insights into how neuronal circuits operate in the brain. We are turning connectomics into a high-throughput screening technique for neuroscience, for discovering brain-implemented algorithms, which may inspire novel machine learning, to map the imprints of sensory experience onto neuronal networks in the brain, and to investigate connectome alterations in models of psychiatric disease.


Moritz Helmstaedter,德国法兰克福马普脑研究所主任,致力于推动连接组学的前沿发展;连接组学是一个新兴研究领域,着力以前所未有的尺度和分辨率绘制大脑神经元网络。Moritz于2014年加入马普脑研究所,在此之前任慕尼黑马普神经生物学研究所的研究小组负责人和PI(2011-2014)。

Moritz 1978年出生于柏林,在海德堡大学学习医学和物理学;与诺贝尔奖获得者Bert Sakmann一起完成了博士论文,之后在海德堡马普医学研究所随Winfried Denk一起完成了博士后工作。

另外自 2016 年起担任荷兰奈梅亨拉德堡德大学神经元网络教授(讲座、特聘教授),2019 年起担任马普学会交叉委员会成员,2020 年起担任德国书业和平奖基金委员会成员,2023 年起担任德国利奥波第那科学院生命科学委员会成员。


活动报名|马普脑研究所主任Moritz Helmstaedter:Connectomics连接组学

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