Attention is all you need 中文版(attention 歌词翻译)

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相关链接: 相关介绍:Transformers 于 2017 年被引入,在语言理解方面有重要应用。相关网页包括:,allowing%20training%20on%20larger%20datasets.

此外,还为您提供了其他一些 AI 相关的资源:

生成式人工智能简介相关: The Power of Scale for Parameter-Efficient Prompt Tuning: Google Research,2022 & beyond:Language models: ageModels Accelerating text generation with Confident Adaptive Language Modeling(CALM): Solving a machine-learning mystery: What is Temperature in NLP? Bard now helps you code: Model Garden: Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs: GPT-4 官方技术报告的参考文献: [32]Rewon Child,Scott Gray,Alec Radford,and Ilya Sutskever.Generating long sequences with sparse transformers.arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10509,2019. [33]Markus N.Rabe and Charles Staats.Self-attention does not need o(n2)memory.arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.05682,2021. [34]Scott Gray,Alec Radford,and Diederik P.Kingma.Gpu kernels for block-sparse weights,…. [35]Dan Hendrycks,Collin Burns,Steven Basart,Andy Zou,Mantas Mazeika,Dawn Song,and Jacob Steinhardt.Measuring massive multitask language understanding.Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations(ICLR),2021. [36]Dan Hendrycks,Collin Burns,Steven Basart,Andrew Critch,Jerry Li,Dawn Song,and Jacob Steinhardt.Aligning AI with shared human values.Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations(ICLR),2021. [37]Alec Radford,Jeff Wu,Rewon Child,David Luan,Dario Amodei,and Ilya Sutskever.Language models are unsupervised multitask learners.2019. [38]Alec Radford,Karthik Narasimhan,Tim Salimans,and Ilya Sutskever.Improving language understanding by generative pre-training.2018. [39]Ashish Vaswani,Noam Shazeer,Niki Parmar,Jakob Uszkoreit,Llion Jones,Aidan N Gomez,Łukasz Kaiser,and Illia Polosukhin.Attention is all you need.NeurIPS,2017. [40]Paul F Christiano,Jan Leike,Tom Brown,Miljan Martic,Shane Legg,and Dario Amodei.Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences.Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,30,2017. Claude 官方提示词(含 API Prompt)中的俗语解码员相关:您的任务是提供一个清晰的解释,说明用户给出的俗语或谚语的含义和起源。简明扼要地解释它的比喻意义,以及它在对话或写作中的典型用法。接下来,深入探讨这个短语的起源,提供历史背景、文化参考或词源信息,解释这个俗语或谚语是如何产生的。如果有任何有趣的故事、轶事或理论与起源有关,也要包括在内。旨在全面理解这个俗语或谚语的含义和背景。

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